Do you feel you need a change, time to recover from all the challenges life throws at you at times. Come to Paphos and have time with us here at the Apostolic Hub in Cyprus.

You can live with us, enjoy fellowship, have fun too, and receive training in various aspects of ministry so that you can be better equipped yourself and be able to equip others in your sphere of influence. Whatever place you find yourself in at present, there is always something more here for you.

We welcome all those of you who hunger and thirst for more of God’s Presence and Grace in their lives.

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We are the Rapid Church Planting Training Hub here in Paphos, equipping and sending out Apostolic teams around the World and providing online training right in the comfort of your own home through webinars, teaching, interactive discussions prayer, and blogs.

We will mobilize an Army of God’s people across the globe in Online Church and Prayer groups, so that each believer is built up and equipped and actively linked in with other like-minded people who want to see their lives fulfilled with vision and destiny in demonstrating and fulfilling the Luke 10 model verses 1-9 to Go and make disciples.

This involves firstly finding the person of peace, healing the sick and telling them that the Kingdom of God has come amongst them. There will be the availability here also in Paphos for Kingdom Key schools, 2 to 5 days of training to birth new ministries, empower and train disciples to do signs and wonders, bringing freedom through deliverance and teaching on how to start new house churches and apostolic hubs, also